MOPS is run by a group of Moms just like you. The leaders
mentioned below are all volunteers and are in their position because they have
a passion to serve you. We strive to serve moms within our community through
teamwork, efficiency, prayer and lots and lots of coffee.
On behalf of the 2016 - 2017 Steering Team, we look forward to a
wonderful year of running wildly toward wonder, hope, and kindness because we
are the Starry Eyed and we choose to see the light.
Get to know your 2016-2017 Steering Team
Coordinator: Kristen Patton
Hospitality: Connie White
Discussion Group Coordinator: Sarah Hoffman
Finance Coordinator: Debbie Baxley
Creative Activities Leader: Carly Goines
Publicity Coordinator: Amanda Poole
MOPPETS Coordinator: Andrea Russell
Mentor Mom: Andrea Grigg