Q: What is MOPS Conway?
A: MOPS Conway is a Christian ministry that meets twice a month. Meetings
for the moms usually include a speaker, discussion group time, devotional and
craft. For the kids there is MOPPETS, please see the MOPPETS FAQ for more info.
Q: Do I have to be a particular denomination or go to a specific church
to be able to attend?
A: No! Everyone is welcome at MOPS Conway.
Q: My child is ...... age. Can I come?
A: Any mom that is expecting through kindergarten (but if you are out of
this season, contact us about being a mentor mom).
Q: It's snowing! Do we still have MOPS?
A: We follow the Conway Public Schools unless further notice is provided.
Q: Is my new baby welcome?
A: YES! We have lots of moms with young babies. We just ask that if
your child becomes a distraction during the meeting that you excuse yourself to
the hall.
Q: I homeschool. Do you have a space for older children?
A: While we do not offer a supervised class for those children, they are
welcome to sit in a meeting room unsupervised at your discretion. Please note
that some topics we cover in the meetings may not be suitable for their ears.
Q: I'm a member of Conway MOPS and want to be involved, what do I do?
A: Talk to a Leadership Team member. To know who the Leadership Team
members are, take a look at the Leadership page. You can also email for more info on getting involved.
Q: What age is childcare provided?
A: Childcare is provided on a first come/first serve basis to those kids
that are 6mo-preschool age. Space can be limited so please contact the MOPPETS
Coordinator at to reserve a space for your child(ren)
Q: What happens during the MOPPETS meetings?
A: MOPPETS is designed to be similar to a preschool atmosphere complete
with a Bible story, craft, socialization, snack time, etc.
Q: My child was sick. Can we still come to MOPS?
A: We ask that you exercise good judgement. If you child has been sick
within the last 24 hours, please do not risk the health of others. Use
the "golden rule." Would you be okay if your child was around someone
with those same symptoms?
Q: My child has special needs, are they welcome?
A: Yes but please let us know how we can assist you. We will make every
effort to ensure that all kids have a spot in MOPPETS.
Q: My child has a special diet, are they welcome?
A: Yes but please know that we do serve snacks that have sugar, food dye,
gluten, etc. in them and while we do try to make sure any special diet is
followed that it is impossible to prevent the children completely from getting
our snacks during the designated time. Please see the MOPPETS Coordinator with
any questions/concerns.
Q: What is the attendance policy?
A: If a mother/child misses 3 meetings without any notice they may be
removed from the MOPPETS class they are registered in so that any waiting
children can be added. Please see the MOPPETS Coordinator with any
Q: What do I get with my yearly fee?
A: You get all kinds of benefits including but not limited to, the MOPS
Int. magazine, childcare (this may be limited, please look at the MOPPETS page
for further info), 2 monthly meetings, MOPS goodie bag from MOPS Int., and so
much more!
Q: What does my fee pay for?
A: The fee goes to membership to MOPS Int. and also to help offset some
of the costs to run Conway MOPS successfully.
Getting Involved:
Q: I would like to be involved; what can I do?
A: Talk to a Leadership Team Member to find out ways to serve this
ministry. We are always looking for leaders!
Q: How can I be involved in MOPS if my children are older?
A: Join a MOMS NEXT group, become a MOPPETS teacher, become a mentor mom,
and PRAY for our group.
Q: How can my business or my family help MOPS?
A: We would love to have you as a sponsor. Please contact a Leadership
Team Member for more specific needs.
Q: Can I make a donation?
A: Yes! Your donation is welcomed and appreciated! Please contact a
Leadership Team Member for more information or email