Monday, November 9, 2015

We are excited to announce our MOPS Shop event this year.  It will be held on December 5, 2015 from 9am-2pm.  Lots of wonderful vendors will be there for this one-stop shopping. 
Interested in being a vendor? Volunteer? MOPS mom?  Check out the info below!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Conway MOPS in October

MOPS October 2015
We had a wonderful meeting on October 26th.  

Look who decided to stop by for a quick visit!!!
Congratulations Blake & Amanda on that precious baby girl!

Mom's know how to have fun too!!

CRAFT time!!! 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

September @ ConwayMOPS

 MOPS Meeting: 9/28/2015

Today we enjoyed some fun time breaking into discussion groups, hearing about nutrition and freezer meals from Amanda Langston, and making a menu board to keep us on track with what we are cooking for the week.

Mom's getting their craft on making "Menu Boards".
These ladies are amazing!!
Discussion Group Time

 Miss Elizabeth
Sometimes your heart is so full that your arms need to be too! ;)
Cheese. :) Hanging out with Debbie is always fun!!
We can multi task for sure!!  Sarah loving on sweet Olivia.
Cohen hanging out with Stacey while mama enjoyed discussion group time! :) 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Welcome new MOPS year!

WELCOME to Conway MOPS 2015-2016 year!
This years theme is:

The theme verse for this year is, "For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12"
Sometimes we need new eyes. A perspective shift that re-calibrates our hearts to the rhythm of God’s goodness surrounding us. To tune our hearts to better hear the music of the divine echoing throughout this world. That we might let that goodness seep into our bones and into our hearts so we can remember what it feels like to flourish.
We think flourishing looks a lot like:
Celebrating Lavishly: Celebrating breathes life into our days. Could it be that commemorating moments might help us to become more alive, to remember what is good and become masterful at recognizing it? How would life change to regularly invite friends into our stolen moments with uninhibited dancing and the best food, while gathered around the biggest table with the deepest conversations? Lavish celebrations can be sacred markers that help remind us who we are.
Embracing Rest: Perhaps it is time to let go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as a measure of worth. What if one of the most life-giving activities that would contribute to our flourishing is welcoming rhythms of rest and play into our lives? Creating healthy rhythms in our life is one way we nourish the weary spots in our soul.
Noticing Goodness: Could it be possible that we don’t need new things but rather new eyes to see what we already have? What if we regained our sense of vision, an acute resolve to find hope in the cracks and mire of the mundane? Noticing what is good gives us the gift of perspective and reminds us the sacred is closer than we think.
We become more ourselves when we celebrate, rest and notice, and that looks a lot like flourishing. But this flourishing isn’t the precious or exhausting kind. This is a fierce flourishing. It is a deep-in-your-guts experience of gratitude and hope compelling you to raise your hands and dance freer than you ever have before. It is a fierce protection of your most important moments, an invitation to rest and an opportunity to enjoy the people who are right in front of you.
This year at MOPS, may we become a home for found wanderers, redeemed prisoners, explorers at the edge of their comfort – all of us who were one-time captives now celebrating our unearned freedom, because we have regained the eyes to see. May this year unfold into radical expressions of your own unique Fierce Flourishing. 

Join us as we, together as women and mom's, learn to flourish fiercely. Check out our "When We Meet" tab to keep up to date with our calendar of meeting dates, play dates, and mom's night out dates. We can't wait!!

Sunday, March 15, 2015


I hope you moms out there have been finding the courage to "Be You, Bravely" this year with us.  It has been an amazing year and we are finishing strong with some really wonderful speakers and events.  Our big project in the works right now is our "spring pictures." More details coming soon so be on the lookout.

At the last meeting, we asked you to start thinking and praying about taking on a leadership role with Conway MOPS. If you are interested, email us at or message us on facebook at Conway MOPS. This is a great opportunity to give back to the ministry as well as make life-long friendships with other moms. Steering meets outside of regular meetings and events and plans the year out. Don't miss this chance to serve!

Another way to get more involved with MOPS is to attend convention.  It will be held in Indianapolis, IN Sept. 17-19, 2015.  Next years theme should be announced April 1st.

Have a wonderful spring break!  See you on the 30th!


Thursday, January 22, 2015

MOPS Shop Success!

A huge "thank you" to everyone that came out, supported and prayed for the MOPS Shop.  It was a huge success! We had over 30 vendors (listed below). Please be sure and support those that have supported Conway MOPS. Fundraisers like this one, is what allows for Conway MOPS to reach the mothers of preschoolers in the area. Fellowship of this type that give support to women through such a difficult stage in life is vital.

Big "thanks" also goes to Space Walk of Conway who were generous enough to donate a wonderful inflatable for the event. Be sure to check them out when planning your next party!

Space Walk of Conway
Magical Vacations
Origami Owl
Premier Designs
Decked Out
Nana Sue Soap
UsBorne Books & More
The Painted Pixie
Mary Kay
Tastefully Simple
Lemongrass Organic
Mary & Martha
Papa Joe's
Rodan and Fields
Kerina's Krocet
Pampered Chef
RK Collections
Meg's Photos
Conway MOPS
And our host church, University Church of Christ